
Do you need help with an overall marketing strategy for your company? I’m here to help!  In today’s world, there is an abundance of information and attention is scarce. So what we’ll do is determine who your target audience is and then we will proceed to find out everything we can about them. We will help your potential customers find your company – often before they are even looking to make a purchase – and then turn that early awareness into brand preference and, ultimately, into leads and revenue.

Writing & Design

  • Social media posts/ads
  • Technical writing
  • Presentations
  • Web content
  • Blog posts
  • Email campaigns
    And More! I’ve got you covered!

Public Relations/Communications

Are you good with strategy but could use some help with your public relations/communications plan? Does your content need refreshing? Do you have a new product or service to promote? Are you working on a fundraising event that needs some help with growth? I can work on a plan to build relationships and light the fire under your project!

Fundraising & Events

Are you a non-profit that needs help with fundraising for a specific event? Are you a company that needs help promoting an event? My 18 years of experience with fundraising and events will fit perfectly with your specific needs!

Free coffee

Want to grab a cup? I’m buying!